Episode 58: The Third Estate

“What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been hitherto in the political order? Nothing. What does it desire to be? Something.” ―Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès

After a hard fight, the Cabal finally took down the vampiric hoard underneath the Land of Earth. Preventing a disastrous coup. But, the Cabal soon finds that things aren’t in the clear for Azel, as an unexpected visitor makes there way to the capital city.

Episode 44: Prove it or Lose It

"Nature is amoral - not immoral, but rather constructed without reference to this strictly human concept. Nature, to speak metaphorically, existed for eons before we arrived, didn't know we were coming, and doesn't give a damn about us." - Stephen Jay Gould

After 14 days of training, Santana and Ezra have finally reached Azel, The Land of Earth. With there feet on the ground, the duo realize they don't know how to find the wayward Thief.

With the help of a potential new alley give the duo the edge on there mission? Or will the mission end before it begins?

Episode 32: Veil of Ignorance (Part 2)

"The principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance." John Rawl

Team Gardain has reached the end of their journey. After days of fighting, discovering things about themselves, and killing a God Slayer it is all over. But, their Veil of Ignorance still remains. Yet one can only be ignorant for so long.

Episode 26: Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa or the blank slate. It is a philosophical theory that indicates that at birth the mind is a "blank slate" without rules for processing data and that data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's experiences.

The Boy-King Nico Parros is a blank slate. He is at a crossroads and his fate is in the hands of two people thrust into a role as his "caretakers" Santana and Ezra. What impact will these two vaconics have on the king? What impact will they have on the World of Vala?